The HVR AHD 1080P range is characterized by the most advanced features, compatibility with cameras in Analog technology, AHD 720P, AHD 1080P, IP, IP Wi-Fi (WM1 series) and IP Cloud, an extraordinary ease of use thanks to the intuitive management menu. The HVRs are completely remotely manageable by both Windows and MAC systems, compatible with iUVS Plus software that allows convenient management from all smartphones, iPads and tablets, both Android and iOS. Among the main features is also the UTC function that allows viewing and managing the OSD menu of the cameras directly from the DVR 8-channel composite video input 4 IP video input channels (up to a max. Of 12 IP channels by deactivating all analog inputs) Total video inputs up to 12 channels (mixed analog video channels and IP video channels) 1 VGA video output \/ 1 HDMI video output 8 audio inputs \/ 1 audio output 8 alarm inputs \/ 1 alarm output Recording resolution @ frame-rat


SKU: 39880
Type of packaging: SCATOLA O FUSTINO
Weight (Kg): 4,000
Dimensions (m): 0,227 x 0,300 x 0,053
Volume (cm^3): 0,361
Tipper (1=yes,0=no): 0
Package EAN: 8021156059836

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