The product is an Axolute series touch control. The device allows you to perform some typical functions of an SCS command simply by placing a finger on its surface. It is available in the versions with 3 (HS4657M3) and 4 flush-mounted modules, respectively with 6 and 8 buttons. Each corresponding zone one button is marked in the center by a blue LED. When the user brings your finger closer, the intensity increases significantly and remains intense until the next removal. It is possible to change the intensity level of the LEDs using the appropriate adjustment button. The device is equipped with six capacitive keys, which are operated by touch, identifiable by LEDs with adjustable intensity light. Technical featureAxolute - Nighter 4-module touch control


SKU: 31298
Type of packaging: CARTONE
Weight (Kg): 0,345
Dimensions (m): 0,165 x 0,195 x 0,090
Volume (cm^3): 0,290
Intrastat: 85364900
Tipper (1=yes,0=no): 1
Package EAN: 8012199942346

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