Foto del prodotto BTicino BMSA1204

52,24 €
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Acquistalo entro 8 hh 00mm per la spedizione tra il martedì 07 maggio e il mercoledì 08 maggio
Garanzia e prodotti originali


Built-in PIR Sensor Switch. Passive infrared switch sensor, for detecting movement and lighting level, "Zero Crossing" technology, ON \/ OFF load management, recessed installation in the ceiling by means of springs or flush-mounted box, protection degree IP41, connection to terminals screw, circular coverage area with a diameter of 8 m for an installation height of 2.5 m, maximum installation height of 6 m, maximum load of 4.3 A at 230 Va.c., adjustment of the lighting level from 10 by means of a trimmer lux to 1275 lux and the delay time from 10 s to 10 min .. Technical features


SKU: 28614
Type of packaging: ASTUCCI
Weight (Kg): 5,780
Dimensions (m): 0,240 x 0,474 x 0,190
Volume (cm^3): 2,161
Intrastat: 85365080
Tipper (1=yes,0=no): 1
Package EAN: 8005543710715

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