BM-SPA Catalog

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Catalogo BM SPA - ultime promozioni e novità

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BM - BM Panel Terminal Block

Terminal blocks B ...

Crimping pliers - full range of crimping pliers

The manual crimping pliers of the BM CRIMPAR range stand out for their flexibility, functionality and efficiency. Extendable with fifteen different matrices. ...

BM For professional crimping. The crimping of a terminal on a conductor performed in a workmanlike manner ensures excellent electrical continuity and mechanical seal.

But is it always possible to prove that the seaming was performed in a workmanlike manner? Yes, with the BM professional crimping system, which allows you to check that all the steps have been carried ...

BM - Battery operated hydraulic equipment

A wide choice of hydraulic equipment, six new references in the BM catalog and two types of tool ...

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