
AVE 442GA53-M Thermostat X Management Hotel Life 3M

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€ 191,33
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Dettagli Prodotto

Attributo Valore
Tipo Prodotto
Brand AVE
MPN 442GA53-M
Serie Civile Ave life s44
EAN-13 8008379098392
SKU 43059

Caratteristiche del Prodotto AVE 442GA53-M

Room thermostat for hotel management - Life series - 3 modules Device suitable for both operation in Stand Alone mode and for operation in Supervised "Network" mode. It has relay outputs for controlling the solenoid valve and of the fan coil speeds and by means of the analogue input it detects the window status and \/ or the presence of the customer in the room. A second analog input allows the measurement the ambient temperature of a second thermal zone, the actuation of which by the solenoid valve is delegated to the room control unit 53GA0x-485